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[Movie Review] Friends with Benefits: Shallow Yet Unpretentious, Cool and Charming

Friday, September 23, 2011 comments powered by disqus

Let us first forget about our critical selves that want deep stories of Oscar worhty movies. Let us, for this time, just enjoy the ride. Those maistream entertainment fare without complicated plots or brain-fucked endings. What we have now is a story that we already know the resolution even before the problem started. But I am not complaining.

Friends with Benefits is shallow yet unpretentious, cool and charming. The first scenes was a bit slow and dragging despite some witty banters. But after that first salvo, everything went as expected. Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are beautiful non-couple with mutual understanding of sex and friendship. And it goes well. Or so they thought. Because, again expectedly, it turned out that they have feelings for each other. More than friends, that is. 

     And how can you get more mainstream and cliché than that? Complications and bruised ego, the cute dance number like our 80's Regal Films, the oversimplified solution to heartaches and family problems, etc.

     While we may cringe at the thought that we actually enjoy mushy movies, we at times are able to admit that if we are entertained, so be it! And this is not just one of those guilty pleasures when we secretly dance to Britney Spears' danceable tunes or when we sing-along with Salbakuta or Gagong Rapper. Sure, this movie is formulaic. But it's worth my time. I am entertained! 

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